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Om Symbol on the Beach

What is Twin Heart Meditation
The Twin Heart meditation is a short-guided meditation by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, it is a simple, yet powerful meditation.
By practising this meditation, the heart and crown chakras gets activated, and an activated crown and heart chakras give the person a sense of inner peace.
It cleanses the energy body and the aura from negative energies, thoughts and emotions that cause an unpleasant state of being. 
Practising Twin Heart meditation is like taking a spiritual shower for the energy body, by doing it regularly, it causes an improvement of character, it generates good karma, and much more.
One can accelerate the healing process by practising this meditation while receiving the healing sessions.

Enjoying Sunset


The energy of Gratitude is the energy of abundance, the more we are grateful for what we have the more it will increase, the less we are grateful for whatever we have the less we will have of it.  

By saying Thank You and counting our blessings, it creates and trains the mind of positive thinking, it increases our energy level and awareness, and fills us with happiness. 

The power of Gratitude is stronger than any negative situation.

Energy follows where we focus our attention, if we keep focusing on the problem it will increase, and we will be attracting more problems, if we focus on the blessings we will be having more blessings coming to us. 

Meditate at the beach

Self Love

Love can heal us, Love is within us, and a part of our essence is made of Love, we need to provide and express love to ourselves first in order to share it with others.

Often time we do not realize that we neglected ourselves, we forget to praise ourselves, to thank ourselves for who we are, for trying to become the best version of us, for making mistakes in life, so we can grow and learn, for the realization that we did our best.

By providing and feeling Love toward ourselves, we will be attracting more people that love us because that is the energy we project or radiate, we don't become needy or dependent on anyone's love to be given to us, since we have so much self-love, we end up receiving and sharing more love.



Forgiveness is the key to inner peace, inner healing, emotional, mental and physical healing, by holding on to the painful events or situations we are creating a heaviness that we carry within us, every time we recall any of these events we are feeling the same emotions within us, and we are also energizing these emotions, so we carry a heavier weight.

 In the long run, unconscious or conscious unpleasant emotions are taking more space in our hearts and taking over our happiness and inner peace.

We are not perfect, we are all growing and evolving, the evolution process requires making mistakes, major or minor mistakes.

By wanting to forgive and move on, we are removing this heaviness that we are carrying for some time, and we are freeing ourselves.  

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